9.10-11.24 Start up the log. Here, I fixed the button and moved around the numbers. I made the links so that they are more. applicable for. people with vision issues. I made it so that the grammar has been fixed. I made the link style more uniform. I gave myself a bonus link so that if I have to add in another link that is screen reader compliant. I can add then in. I made sure that the button for my resources even if it's not done yet is different from the button that I had before. the quote button has been destroyed but that's not the end of the world. I'll figure out what's up with that. last big thing is I finally got to the second page. I did a lot of work on the 1st page and I think there's still stuff that will need to done there but I finally know what the 2nd page will be and what I want to add to it. And I also know that there may be. more than five pages because of the secret that will be somewhere in there.
9.26.24 Log Two! Made the button for the log. Implemented a mailto button on page 2, that's soo scary. Made sure that every, or most pages have a Neocities out button. When you add in a style for a tag, or the link, should be inbetween the attribute and the right arrow of the opening tag. I also added the pixel log picture secret button, so the log is more visible. I don't know what's up with the button text I still want to figure out why the link isn't changing color. The quote button is also back, but it doesn't do what I wanted to yet, at least it's reactive though. That's important. Chipping away!
10.19-20.24 May big progress today with the big help of a friend; Turns out there's a lot about Javascript that I did not know but now the button works (yahoo!) it's not reactive but it'll give you random quotes when you click it! So cool! There are little things I want to update like the button here...but I'm are making good progress and I'm glad people will be able to see the quotes now. Fair warning I may change the font to something else for the folks but haven't decided yet if I do that that won't be any update so just a heads up now you're so happy even if I don't make more progress on this which is doubtful I think I'm gonna make more i'm happy where I'm at. Constructing continues!